
How fast backup works?

Fast Backup

Stat file

Fast Backup decides if a file needed to backup by looking up the corresponding stat file. When Fast Backup option is turned on, Febees Backup will keep a stat file for each distinct combination of Job, Source Location and Target Location.

When one of the following conditions occurs, Febees Backup will prompt user whether or not to delete the affected stat files.

  • When the setting of Location has been changed and results the physical location changes.

When one of the following conditions occurs, all the corresponding stat files will be deleted automatically.

  • When a Job is deleted
  • When a Location is deleted

Fast Backup Settings

Fast Backup Operation Procedure

Fast Backup Starts
Load Stat file
Preparing backup file set list (and handling manual file selection and filters).
Loop for each file in the above list
	Compare source file and stat file; decide if the file needs to transfer
	If yes
		Transfer the file
		If transfer succeeds
			Update stat file
		If transfer fails
			If fault-tolerance is enabled, do fault-tolerance handling
				If not reached the upper limit of fault-tolerance
				If reached the upper limit of fault-tolerance
                    end backup
	check if reached transfer limit
		if yes
			end backup
Backup Finishes.